John Kurth

John Kurth

With nearly two decades of consummate success as a globally based sales trainer, businessman, and entrepreneur, it’s little wonder that Huntington Beach, California-based John Kurth is among the nation’s leading business coaches and grand-master of Neuro- Linguistic Programming.

John earned a Master of International Management degree (International MBA) from Thunderbird. He also studied Language at Beijing University in China and earned certification as a Competitive Intelligence Professional (CIP) from the Academy of Competitive Intelligence in Cambridge, MA.

His work with thousands of sales executives, entrepreneurs, and salespeople within numerous industries, writing winning sales scripts for a multitude of industries,

including Insurance, Financial Services, Computer/IT, Healthcare, Security, Logistics, and Network Marketing.

John’s award-winning success has made him a champion of business people around the world – and at home. As a member of his local Chamber of Commerce, he is among the locale’s most sought-after contributors to to its “Irvine Builds Businesses” program.

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